Best Instagram image size and aspect ratio for 2020 (Complete Guide)

Best Instagram image size and aspect ratio for 2020 (Complete Guide)

Instagram image size
Best Instagram post size

Why you need to know all the Instagram dimensions for 2020

Instagram active users are more than 1 billion per month in 2020 and 500 million users are login per day. 90% of Instagram accounts are business accounts. source

63% of Instagram users are login per day at least once.

And in India there are more than 10,10,50,000 Instagram users active per month i.e. 7.3% of our total population.

200 million plus Instagram users visit at least one business profile per day.

So it is very important to know the correct dimension of image and video. Proper content dimensions are more engaging on Instagram.

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What types of content you share on Instagram.

The Instagram social media platform has the beauty to create a variety of content across a platform such as images, stories and videos.

In this post, you will go over each type of the Instagram posts and also how to Optimize your Instagram content.

What is the Best Instagram Image Size and aspect ratio in 2020

Image Posts size

Earlier Instagram accepted only square format image size with a 1:1 aspect ratio. 

It creates some problems, 

Instagram automatically cropped an image because it never compressed it. Sometimes some useful sections are cropped by Instagram and cause problems. So proper visibility you have to cropped before uploading on Instagram.

But now it allows us to upload Un-square shape (rectangular shape) images also i.e portraits and landscape images.

And now total three different aspect ratios image upload on Instagram 

  • 1:1 (square), 
  • 1.91:1 (landscape)
  • 4:5 (portrait).

For instagram feed post image format should be JPG or PNG.

Instagram Square image 

Square image display with 1080px both sides which is 1:1 aspect ratio. But we recommend you to upload high resolution images at 2,048 pixels. Instagram compresses it to 600px X600px in feed post and 161px X 161px in image gallery (profile page) of image.

Instagram landscape image 

For a landscape or horizontal picture, the image resolution is 1,080 x 566 pixels which is 1:19:1 aspect ratio. 

Instagram portrait image 

For a portrait or vertical picture, the image resolution is 1,080 x 1,350 pixels which is 4:5 aspect ratio. 

Story Image size

Instagram Stories allows you to add Stories image size is 1080px by 1920px and the aspect ratio is 9:16. 

Story support image format of JPG and PNG and video format of MP4 and MOV. 

Profile Image size

Instagram profile picture size is 110 x 110 pixels but try to upload high resolution images. 

Video size and aspect ratio

Best Instagram Video feed size or story video  dimension is 1080px X 1920px with 16:9 aspect ratio. 

Videos are also uploaded in Portraits orientation with  4:5 aspect ratio and 1080px X 1350px dimension. 

You can also upload videos in square format.

Instagram supports MP4 and MOV video format. 

Video length should be more than 15sec and less than 10min.


Instagram automatically crops images and fits them in the right dimensions. But it is not the right way to work on any social media. For best results and more reach of your post, you should use the right image and video size.

You can use this guide and create fantastic Instagram image content.